Thursday, June 13, 2019

Phrases Of Appalachia: Fit To Be Tied

Fit to be tied: An exaggeration referring to someone being so angry that they should be tied up to keep them from being aggressive.
Example: Tom was fit to be tied when he realized someone had shot his prize turkey. 

Just recently I wrote a blog post about a story that Granny had told me and while I didn't write the story down as she told it, I could almost hear her speaking as I recalled and typed it. "Fit to be tied" was a phrase that she used often and is something that I still say. 

I always try to add a picture to every blog post and as I immediately thought of this one of my son, Dude (not his real name). This was taken at our VBS when he was about 5 or 6 years old and from the looks of it, he was fit to be tied! There ain't no telling why he was so mad but he definitely was. 

If you are a visitor and hear someone use this phrase, proceed with caution! Other Appalachian phrases that refer to being mad: 

  • Ill as a hornet. 
  • Mad as an old wet hen. 
  • All riled up. 
  • Got my feathers all ruffled up.
  • All worked up. 
  • Having a hissy fit.
  • Pitching a fit. 
  • Got their panties in a wad.
  • Got a burr in their saddle. 
  • Puffed up like a bullfrog.
  • He's tore plumb outta his frame.
  • She's gotta a bee in her bonnet.
  • Mad enough to spit nails. 
  • Plumb fed up! 

    What are some other "mad" phrases that you've heard?